Please contact me regarding how I can assist you with your education and training needs, or maybe just that keynote for your corporate conference (or both).
Everything boils down to leadership, period end. Leadership is not a born trait, but one
learned and many times governed by those that have led us as well as those we
emulate. This workshop helps others find
the leader in them, identify key leadership characteristics of success, and
discover leadership is not a title with anyone having the ability to act as a
leader. Learn what your leadership style
is and what it means through this interactive and participative workshop. This award-winning presentation will provide
leadership development tools and provide key aspects of leadership skills I
learned at Disney.
Budgets can be intimidating as can the
financial reporting that goes along with it.
Truth is, it doesn’t have to be this scary process managers dread. Revealed will be tips and tricks to take the
fear out of budget time which also will develop skills associated with monthly
analysis of financials and reporting. Included are templates to assist in the budget
process, as well as critical techniques and tools to provide a more confident a
approach and take fear and intimidation out of the equation so you get a better
budget which can be sold.
Disasters can
occur at any time and in many shapes.
Tornado’s, floods, winter and summer storms, hurricanes, fire,
earthquake, are just a few events which can have an impact on a property
manager, owner, and company. How will you or your team handle an emergency and
are they ready for the unexpected. This
workshop provides the templates and knowledge to be prepared when the
unexpected hits and guides the attendees in formulating a plan for

FOR MANAGERS – New for 2019
This workshop was developed with the
intent of informing and educating not just managers, but your entire support
team. Service is such a critical part of
the success of any site. Having a better understanding of the service side of
the business benefits your employees in gaining a better perspective of the
services maintenance performs, preparing them for the next level of advancement
with a higher knowledge base, and reinforcing what they must do in support to
the overall service mission. Studies
still show the biggest reason residents leave is because of lack of or poor
service, not their rent. What are you
doing to maximize resident retention and in support of your service teams when
it relates to maintenance?

Created and
designed to cover two key areas which are critical to improving NOI. The first area deals with our employees and
team members, who are the foundation to your organizations success. What can we do regarding training,
communication, and creating inspiration that makes them want to do their job
not because they have to…but because they want to? How do we create excitement in the workplace
so it inspires excellence? Second, what can
we do to create excellence for our residents so the last thing on their mind is
giving you a notice to vacate? What do
your residents really want when it comes to amenities, activities,
communication, and feeling they are part of a community? How do we create excellence while dealing
with things like rent collection, lease enforcement, the renewal process, and
service? How can excellence through
excitement be transferred to your brand identity, marketing, and reputation
within your market?