I have been speaking over the years and all those that know me understand my passion for training and education. I would never have been the person I am today without those along my career line sharing information and believing in me. Leaders should constantly be looking for, molding, and developing new talent for the future. It is also extremely rewarding to see others move up the ladder of success because you played a part in their development.
Training and education should never stop, however, most times in most positions after initial orientation and training a training plan is not available or encouraged. Why not you ask? Because most organizations do not see the reward with the expense or understand the motivational environment it creates. When not in property management I am a cast member for Disney diving with sharks. Yes, I'm in the water with real very large sharks every day and it is awesome. This is a company that not only encourages training and education, but has one of the largest divisions related to training and education in the country...if maybe not the world. Maybe, just maybe, this is one of the reasons Disney is known for excellence in guest services and the many years of success. When a need was identified related to a safety issues, my coordinator asked me to develop operating procedures and head up the training program. No long drawn out process, just do it. Whow, what a fresh and welcoming way to enhance education within our group. When a need was identified to conduct shark suit training for our aquarium team, I was again approached since I had training in that area. Want to take a course to take you to the next level, Disney has one for just about every area and subject matter. Have to say, Disney does it right!
Part of the reason for promoting education and training is helping to not only develop, but identify new talent. Who will lead your organization in the future? What exceptional talent may you loose if you do not identify future stars? Leaders look for opportunity and new responsibilities, and true leaders are never complacent with where they are at and where their team is at. I remember a young man I had once in a CAM class I was teaching. His responses, attention, and openness told me he wanted to learn and had great potential. I had the opportunity to work with him as his regional and he says with my guidance developed leadership traits he has today. He later when on to become a Regional Director and has truly become a leader and someone who also sees the abilities in others. One of my proudest moments of many similar stories.
Seek out new talent through education, training, sharing, and believing. Find ways to make education fun and exciting. Develop a strategy to identify the leaders of tomorrow, and in the process you may find you are educating yourself. Developing new talent does not have to be difficult. A little training, motivation, education, and inspiration can take any team to the next level and in reaching new goals. If it isn't there create it! If not provided, seek it and find where you can learn! If you desire it, ask for it!
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