I once had someone come up to me after speaking at a convention and said, "You have inspired and motivated me. Why don't you do more motivational speaking?"
How many of us have gone to a "motivational" presentation, got pumped up at the event and felt entertained (and maybe motivated), only go to work the next day and not feel the motivation? Now don't get me wrong as there are some people that I have heard which have made me feel very motivated. So where does motivation come from and what makes us highly motivated. My belief is motivation comes from within and around us (by those that work and lead us), more than it does from any seminar or speaker. That is where effective and continued motivation makes a difference.
First, motivation must come from within. If we don't want to be motivated or do not have the desire to be motivated, it likely will not happen. Positive attitude has a lot to do with drawing motivation from within us. You have heard the saying, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." Motivation is no different, herein the "within" factor comes into play. Those that are positive instill motivation not only for ourselves, but with those around us. We have all been around co-workers who did not enjoy what they did, or were not willing to give 100%, dragging other members of a team down. We have also had the opportunity to be around team members that were always happy, enjoyed their work, and took great pride in what they did. Look back at those different team members and remember how it had an impact on you and your team. This is especially important for leadership because nothing will drag a team down faster than a leader who is not positive, excited, and inspiring.
Which brings me to the "around" us part of motivation. Creating a motivational environment is the second part of the equation. A leader take people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they ought to be! You cannot equate a favorable motivational environment in any one area. It takes compassion, communication, clarity, effective listening, empowerment, openness, and a host of other talents from a leadership standpoint to create a true and effective motivational environment. So if you are the leader, motivation for others begins with you!
So the next time you attend one of these "motivational" events, do not expect to go to work the next day with fire coming out of your....self, all the stars to be in alignment, and your co-workers begin a rendition of "Kumbaya" as you enter the room. Nothing you hear will have harps playing in the background as you make important decisions and interact with your team. Isn't going to happen unless you want it to, and those around you including leadership are motivated along with you. It does however, start with you, which can be infectious and motivational to those around you. This is why I would rather speak on topics that help others excel at what they do and create motivational conditions that last for extended periods of time, than tell a few jokes and build a short term result.
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