
Thursday, July 4, 2013

If life gives you grapes...make wine!

I'm sure some of you have heard it differently involving lemons.  Don't know about you but wine just sounds more fun, unless it's a hot summer day then lemonade fits the bill.  Where I am going with this is to emphasize we have the ability to make what works and what applies, if we choose to use the resources available to us and use what works best for the situation and time.

We all make choices in life, some of them easier than others.  What movie do I want to go see tonight?  That one was easy as I yesterday took some "Larry Time" and went to go see "Now you see me."  Being a magician and based on the recommendation of some friends at Disney, I made the choice to spend more than the movie ticket on popcorn and a drink to see the movie.   Some choices are more difficult and with longer lasting consequences, but have high rewards.  Some choices are out of necessity while others voluntary, keeping in mind they are still choices.

As my friends and family know, I have made the choice to return to the executive/leadership world after spending several years training, consulting, educating, and when not doing that working at Disney doing something I have a passion for.  My friends, co-workers, and supervisors at Disney have been fantastic, and the memories and relationships I have established will last a lifetime.  So I could transition back into leadership I stopped taking contracts for speaking engagements.  Opportunities here in Florida have been slim, and I have even turned down a couple of positions because it was not a good fit.  One of the opportunities involved a company that had a very bad reputation, including not paying their suppliers and there were even reports of pay checks bouncing at the regional level.  I chose to keep looking, and do not regret for one instant the decision I made (even though it was for a lot of money...keeping in mind if the check cleared). 

One opportunity I recently applied for is not in Florida but back in North Carolina, where we were before coming to the home of the mouse.  What is hard is moving away from my daughter and grand-daughter (and of course my son-in-law), which I know will break Taylor's heart.  But, sometimes we have to do what we must do.  Interview completed and have been told will know within the next week as they have other candidates to talk with.   As I said, sometimes choices are hard and sometimes easy.  Not sure where this will go, however, if given the opportunity I have always said, "If opportunity at least answer the door."  Those that know me understand the passion I have for the business that has provided for me for over twenty years.  Outside of the training and education part, property management is who I am and what I do.  We'll keep you posted and let you know what happens from here.  Either way, the choice is mine.

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